Monday, August 26, 2019

Chasing the Cause or the Symptoms?

I've gotten used to seeing everyone chasing the symptoms of lipidema: abnormal fat, pain, inflammation and supressed mobility.
But that's not good enough.
Why are we not discovering what is causing the inflammation, the abnormal fat?  It's easy to say "Take this medication for your headache and the pain will go away (for 4 hours; then it will come back, again.)".  It's quite another to isolate the actual cause of the headache and make THAT go away so you have no need of medication because there is no pain in the first place.
We'll never get to the solution if we merely treat symptoms with liposuction and compression.
My opinion is that lipidemic symptoms are not a disease, but are messengers of underlying causes that need to be discovered and removed if any actual healing is to occur.
In my wellness business, when I am foot zoning someone and I come across an area affected by trapped emotion, I know that unless I release that negative energy, the physical changes cannot occur. But once released, the pain is immediately diminished and the physical pathways are opened or unblocked.
We need to look at more than the size of our legs/arms and look at the underlying causes to find a cure.