Thursday, February 16, 2017

Vibration Platform? Rocking Chairs? Infrared Saunas?

I recently got to interview a naturopath who gave me some insight on lymphatic drainage.  She told me that when the body starts to exercise to the point of deep breathing, the lymph system shuts down.  Rather than brisk or weighty movements, our lymphs require gentle, small, calm movements.  A rocking chair, a leisurely turn on an exercise bike while reading a book, just bouncing your heels alone on a trampoline instead of jumping full-bodied, or even just jiggling your legs on the floor before you completely climb out of bed in the morning are all sufficient to increase lymph flow.  She also recommended skin brushing and near infrared saunas as good lymph stimulators.   (No steam saunas.)  And vibration platforms also actually do the trick.
I didn't know.  Did you?