Saturday, August 17, 2013

Do you also have any of these other symptoms of Lipidema (Lipoedema, Lipedema)

We all know that lipidema (lipedema) causes you to have painful fat, abnormal weight gain, heavy legs, etc.  But there are lots of other symptoms that I have, despite all my efforts, that I would like to see of others have.  Do you have any of the following too:
The pupils in my eyes (especially left eye) can't stay constricted for 5 seconds when bright lights go on
My basal body temperature averages 76.1, under my left arm is 76.5 and right arm is 75.5
My body temperature is erratic and looks like a raging zigzag when measured through the day
I have had hot flashes for 16 years regardless of
supplements, creams, schedules, foods.......

The bottoms of my feet feel crunchy and they hurt when I get out of bed
Body wraps for weight/water loss do nothing for me
I have trouble digesting meat (it just sits in my stomach twice as long as vegetable or grain proteins)
I do not feel the heat like other people, but I am cold sensitive
I suspect I am magnesium and calcium deficient, as I have many symptoms of that.
My estrogen hormones are predominant over progesterone.  (NO depression, mood swings etc.....)
My red blood cell count is low
I am borderline iron anemic (causes "scoops" and horizontal ridges on my thumbnails)
If I get sick, my body temperature drops.
If I eat a small piece of chocolate, my temperature will rise to normal (98.6) for 40 minutes
I crave black licorice and chocolate (but no, I'm not a binge eater)
I make the healthiest food choices, but I still am the only one in my immediate family gaining weight
When I exercise, my axillary temperature (arms, legs) drops 3 degrees but my trunk temp rises 1 degree.
I've had trouble with insomnia for 16 years
My biggest problem with lipedema started immediately when I quit birth control pills. 50 lbs in 3 years!!!
Since getting OFF of birth control, despite all efforts, I grow a clothes size yearly.   I really hate that.
I now know that I've had hereditary signs of lipidema all my life and can see it in 5 generations of family
I  sweat from the top of my head when my body temperature rises to 97.9 or during a hot flash
Otherwise I don't sweat much
Several men in my family have symptoms, despite the claims that this mostly only hits women
Digestive enzymes and malabsorption of vitamins or amino acids seem to be involved
My blood pressure, kidneys, cholesterol, heart, blood sugars suggest I'm otherwise healthy as a horse.
I get heart arrhythmia if I'm low on magnesium or if my hormones are unbalanced.
I do swell more with heat, on long flights or long car rides
I can exercise, over-exercise or not exercise with no observable difference in weight or size.
To look at me, you would never know I had all this going on.  I just look overweight.

Betty B. Ready