Friday, November 20, 2015

Lymphatic System rebounder exercise--an article I'm passing on

taken from

"Exercise is essential to maintain proper flow of the lymphatic system. The lymph system has no pump and the flow depends on respiration and muscle contraction. A combination of deep breathing and stretching exercises is very beneficial to proper lymph flow. The perfect exercise for restoration and maintenance of the lymphatic system is a rebounder or personal trampoline.
When one does the lymphatic health bounce, the feet don’t leave the mat. By gently surging up and down for 2-3 minutes at a time stress and tension are relieved and lymphatic flow is enhanced. Utilization of the stabilizer bar allows everyone to sit or stand and “lymphacize” their entire system.
So, check your lymph nodes; if they are sore your lymph is blocked and you have created a breeding ground for disease. If the soreness is moderate use the self administered self care techniques."
Betty B. Ready