Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Swollen Ankles and Food Intolerance?

Lately my ankles have not been swelling and hurting as much going up my shins as I sit at my desk at work.  That tight, itchy, uncomfortable feeling has just not been there like it used to be there every day.
So I have to ask myself what I've been doing differently. 
One thing is that I've been staying away from tomatoes and tomato sauces and peppers of all kinds.  No salsa, no spaghetti sauce......  Why?  Because I've discovered that my body is intolerant to the nightshade family, which includes eggplant, white potatoes, all peppers and tomatoes.  I've noticed a change in the amount of swelling in my arms and lower legs when I stay away from them as much as possible.
It's progress, and I'll take any of that I can get.