Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Compression Massage Chairs : Part 1

I attended a trade show in which I found some improved massage chairs for edema, lipedema, lymphedemia, poor circulation and musculoskeletal pain.  The newer models are variably priced, but the cost of constant manual lymph drainage massage really adds up, and this way you could stay at home and have as many massage sessions as you'd like every day. (That's why I purchased my massage chair years ago after
a car wreck messed up my shoulders/neck/back, and the cost of physical therapists was really adding up.  It was a GREAT investment not only for me, but for all my family members and their friends who still love to come over and use it.)

The worthwhile compression massage chairs go beyond just sore muscles to circulation, organ stimulation, alignment and stress relief, so they are not your cheap cushion mats or your minimal action chairs.  Those accomplish little, if anything.  I must be emphatic in telling you that only a few styles are worth the money. The Titan massage chair model which I have (and love) used to be top-of-the-line, but no more.  Newer models go way beyond what mine can do.  In my opinion, these would go far toward healing a multitude of  pains and ailments that afflict so many of us!    See Compression Massage Chairs : Part 2 for my recommendations for the best models.
Betty B. Ready