Friday, August 9, 2013

Does Lipidema Affect Men? I think so.

Why is it that in all the lipedema (lipidema) sites, there is an exclusion of men?  In my family, I can name my grandfather, father, 3 brothers and 3 sons who I feel demonstrate various symptoms of lipidema.  One developed secondary lymphedemia, some struggle with weight loss, one has a lipoma, most struggle(d)  with
pain, some have a hormonal imbalances or nutritional malabsorption issues.   I believe many men also go undiagnosed.  In my family, it is obviously hereditary, and comes in layers of symptoms.  Yes, our women have it too--not all, but enough.  It is to my family and to my grandchildren, some of whom already have symptoms, that I dedicate this blog.
Betty B. Ready