1. Mens' XL baseball sport socks. Adidas puts one out that is compressive on the arch of my foot, on the ankles and just below the knee. It's long enough and just wide enough to do the job. You can buy them new for about $10 and they're quite durable. But I love garage sales and baseball is big where I live, so I got mine practically new at 3 pairs for $1. I have 9 pairs now.
2. At our local 99 Cents Only store, you can get compressive sleeves for supporting knees or ankles for $1. I've found that the ankle supports work great where the swelling begins, and I can wear them with sandals or flip flops because my pant legs pretty well cover them. I use the knee supports on my calf area or knee or thigh--wherever I feel the need that day. Sometimes I put them all the way up my leg. It's easy and cheap. I like using my essential oil blends on my legs then putting these sleeves on over that.
3. Leggings. Yes, those things like panty hose except there are no feet in them. I just get a pair that's long and a little too tight. (It's just keeping them up over my big stomach that's the problem). But it holds me in from the ankle to the mid-section when I get a good pair. Yep, garage sales have these too.
Betty B. Ready