Friday, November 27, 2015

Muscle Testing (Kinesiology) Answers for Lipidema (Lipedema)

Presentation ClipartIf you haven't studied kinesiology, or muscle response, and some very simple methods you can use to determine which of the foods you're eating are actually offensive to your digestive/immune systems, start learning.  Start testing your body's response to things you eat on a daily basis and you'll find lots of strange surprises.  Foods I would have sworn were "good for me" because someone else said so are, in fact, NOT!  And every day as I pass on these helpful tools, I find out how unique and individual each of us is.  As far as I can tell, there is no "one size fits all" solution for our nutrition and healing
needs.  It is VERY EASY to find out what your body is trying to tell you about how it wants to heal and what you should either eat or avoid eating.  It is our divine birthright for our spirits to want to live in healthy bodies, and we just need to learn to be more intuitive about that and responsive to the signals we're being given.
Betty B. Ready