Friday, September 20, 2013

The Body Knows : A Helpful Book I'd like to recommend

Garage sales again.  You're seeing a pattern here.  I go with a prayer in my heart that I can find what I need or that someone I know needs--sometimes I know specifically what I'm looking for, but sometimes I don't.  The past 3 times I've gone, I've come back with 2 more absolutely wonderful books on health, nutrition, herbs, essential oils, taking charge of our own health and alternative health options (apparently that's what I need).  The ordinary dull repetitive books I leave there, but the best come home with me.  And I've found another one.  It's called The Body Knows: How to tune in to your body and improve your health-- by Caroline M. Sutherland, published by Hay House.  I've been earmarking
numerous pages that apply to my family and myself because I'm getting so many great insights and clues to what ails us.  I feel strongly that many of you suffering from lipedema (lipidema, painful fat, heavy legs, RADs) can benefit from principles in this book as I have.
Betty B. Ready

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